Dark Love

Play by the rules now baby
It´s a game where not even tears sustains me.
I want to hear you cry as the fog passes by.

The nigt aint so dark after all
it is lighten up by the werewolves call
att the beginning of the end
when the moon becomes our only friend

Taste my lips and love the night
Untill you are hated by the morning light.
Let´s make it worth the pain you feel,
And I promise the fleshwound on your neck will heal.

Just shut your eyes and dream.

All though it´s dark, i hope it´s not to tark to see
while you are dreaming wet nightmares about me
I know it hurts but if you scream you will bleed
so let´s just proceed
let me proceed my evil deeds

Open up your eyes now baby
A sweet kiss and a "thank you" maybe?
For saving you from the light
so the stars shines just for you tonight

Look at the world as an unborned child
with eyes of fire and a razor-smile
witch will be smiling back at you
in the eyes of any victim you will choose.

Come on, my beloved wife
and together we will end a thousand lives.
We are both god damned, young and free
on our way to our honnie-killingspree

Taste my lips and love the night
cause now you are hated by the morninglight
We will drink and fuck till the very end
our hellish curse seems like it´s heaven send.

You and me was ment to be.

Skriven av Alexander Eckman,
den är klockren.
Får länka sen om den kommer
upp på youtube :D


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